New $ease token mint and swap: $Armor: $ease: 1:10?

I would totally agree with that if we had to think in strictly present and near future scale.

But since we have one and only chance to issue the token, after which no changes can be made, we really have to consider this trait in the perspective of the Ease’s future as a whole, hopefully extending many years (at least) from now. This low cost won’t be forever, in fact this market cycle bottom may be the lowest bottom ever for our investments in Ease/Armor.

Any trait we issue the new token with will stay with it till the end (presumably, ofc).

Besides, I view this in combination of the airdrop the Team is planning (idea is in this thread) Being airdropped several $EASE surely doesn’t look so interesting than being airdropped several dozens of $EASE. Bigger number as an airdrop stimulates one to check out what this thing is about.

Imagine that. If you’re being airdropped several $EASE it would be obvious that this thing probably isn’t worth anything (nobody will airdrop you a round number of a token, worth hundreds of $, right?).
But if you are being airdropped triple digits of $EASE, you kinda know it probably is worth less than 1$… but you have to check to have a better idea of the airdrop’s worth. And this check is the reaction every airdrop should be aimed at.


  • with the fact that every trait we issue the token with will stay with it forever, in good and bad market conditions…
  • with the fact the current market conditions for $ARMOR can’t be significantly worse than what they are now…
  • with the consideration of the marketing airdrop in the mix…

I think your logic is sound, but we have to look beyond the present and near term to judge this move.